I love learning. I love going to school. And I....love....coffee. More than coffee though, I love a great coffee shop. Everywhere I go, I'm always looking for the best coffee shop around. So what do I look for in a traditional coffee shop? Here are the top 5 things I look for in a coffee shop:
1. Coffee
Morning latte and pumpkin spice donuts
OK, so that is a little obvious, but necessary! Without good coffee, I'm likely not coming back. Plus, I want it to be consistently good. For example, everyone knows Starbucks is consistent, its just not consistently good. Some other places are good, just not consistently. I might make an exception if there is something else spectacular that brings me back, like a gooey cinnamon roll that is to die for. That might warrant a return trip for mediocre coffee. I'm a sucker for cinnamon rolls, blueberry muffins and pumpkin scones! All scones really, but its fall right now, therefore, I'm really looking for a great pumpkin one.
2. Awesome Baristas
Good barista's know their way around coffee, so that is a must of course. So, beyond the coffee, what makes a great barista? First, its all about the little details. It makes me feel extremely special when a barista remembers my name after I've been in a few times. The same goes for when I look for a gym, or church or other social place. I think it is a sign of a great business when they take the time and make the effort to remember names.
Other attributes I look for in a barista are friendliness, cleanliness and maybe a little quirkiness!
3. Atmosphere
My favorite places have little nooks and crannies where I can hid away and get lost in my editing or meet up with clients. Next, I need bigger tables on the more solid side. I find it hard to juggle a laptop, Wacom tablet, notepad, pen, hard drive, coffee, snack, and usually a camera. And phone. And maybe a tablet. Get my point? Small, round or wobbly tables just don't cut it. Finally, the place NEEDS to have multiple outlets around. I'm not going to be there for long if my computer dies! Some bonus attributes to the atmosphere are fun walls, interactive chalkboards or other things encouraging people to share something about themselves. Engaged people keep coming back!
4. Coffee Art and Cup Notes
Coffee Cup Notes
I don't always get lattes, but when I do I look for a design in the foam. One of my life goals is to learn how to make latte art, until then, I search for the baristas that can make it for me and bring a smile to my face. Coffee art and cup notes aren't necessities, but they really brighten my day and will bring me back. This particular note caught me off guard. I was having a particularly hard day emotionally, and didn't even notice the note until I got home. My day was instantly better. Maybe the barista noticed I wasn't super happy that day, maybe it was just a random note. Either way, it snapped me out of my funk and made me think about the things I had to be happy about.
5. Free Wifi
OK, so this isn't an absolute necessity, thus it is number 5 on the list. If I need to, I can connect to my phone or tablet, or even work without it. However, usually when I'm working and need a break from editing I like to check my email, get caught up on client files, post to social networks....or just blog about coffee shops. ;)
Hope you enjoyed this post! Look for my next post in my "All Things Coffee" series where I'll share where I get my coffee fix in Powell when in between classes at Northwest College. Happy caffeinating!